CPAN Applauds MHA for its Efforts to Protect Crash Victims and Ensure All Michiganders Receive Quality, Accessible Care — CPAN
Protecting Michigan's Auto Insurance Promise


CPAN Applauds MHA for its Efforts to Protect Crash Victims and Ensure All Michiganders Receive Quality, Accessible Care

CPAN Applauds MHA for its Efforts to Protect Crash Victims and Ensure All Michiganders Receive Quality, Accessible Care

Hutchings: Until a fix is passed, more people will suffer 

LANSING, Mich. – (Feb. 21, 2022) — CPAN President Devin Hutchings today released the following statement, in response to news reports that the Michigan Health and Hospital Association is urging lawmakers to amend Michigan’s auto insurance law.  

“We applaud the Michigan Health & Hospital Association for their efforts to protect auto crash victims and ensure that all Michiganders receive the quality, accessible healthcare they deserve.

Compounded by the ongoing COVID pandemic, it’s clear that the humanitarian crisis caused by the 45% cut in catastrophic care now touches every single Michigander who seeks care at a hospital. This crisis demands an immediate fix—but instead of working in good faith to protect patients, the Insurance Alliance of Michigan continues to trot out tired talking points and mistruths in a shameful effort to protect the bottom line of its members.

There’s no more time to waste. Michigan legislators must stand up and ensure that auto crash victims receive the care they were contractually guaranteed. Until a fix is passed, more people will suffer—not just crash survivors, but everyone who walks into a Michigan emergency room.”

Scott Swanson