During this difficult and uncertain time, this town hall is being offered to help auto crash survivors and their families to better understand the stressful state of affairs regarding their rights under the Michigan no-fault insurance law. This townhall will address a wide variety of topics and concerns important to those who have been injured and their families, including;
The rights of no-fault insurers to limit payment to injured people’s medical providers
The rights of insurance companies to limit payment of attendant care provided by family or friends
The legal challenges to the new no-fault reform rules
The new power of government to regulate and limit the care of auto accident survivors
The new rules regarding when injured people must go undergo medical evaluations at the request of their insurance company
A few thoughts on the best practices for injured people and their families to follow when dealing with their no-fault insurance company
And an update on the ongoing advocacy efforts to change the most unfair aspects of the 2019 no-fault reforms.
We hope that this virtual town hall will provide a comfortable setting for constructive and compassionate dialogue with Michigan’s injured and their families regarding their unfortunate predicaments following the 2019 no-fault reforms.
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Register to attend: https://bit.ly/36KOAcm